Take the Pledge, WiTWA has!

Take the Pledge, WiTWA has!

The Department of Local Government and Communities’ Women in STEM and Trades Pledge encourages Western Australian businesses, community organisations, public sector agencies and individuals to support increased training and career opportunities for girls and women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) fields and trades.

Female participation in STEM training and careers is significantly lower than male participation, particularly in non-health, engineering and related technologies, and information technology fields. Women are also significantly underrepresented in trades training and trades workforces. 

By taking the Pledge, an organisation or individual commits to supporting women in STEM and Trades:


  • recognise the benefits to women, organisations and the Western Australian economy of more women working in STEM fields and trades.
  • support increased opportunities for women to undertake training and pursue careers in STEM fields and trades.

Take the Women in STEM and Trades pledge

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