Mandy Michael

Developer & Designer – Front End Dev
Photo Mandy Michael


  • 20in20 Winner 2018
  • |2018 Nominee

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About Mandy Michael

As a multiple award-winning developer and designer, Front End Development and the Web Industry is not only Mandy’s career but also her passion. Mandy is well known within the international web industry, writing for industry platforms such as Adobe, CSSTricks and Code Like a Girl and her work is featured by notable technology brands, such as Google, Microsoft and Mozilla. Her technical experience and passion for the web has made her an in-demand speaker at conferences and events both locally and internationally. Mandy is a force for integrity and fights unapologetically for her team’s wellbeing, pushes for change to encourage a supportive environment, and promotes a positive work-life balance. She is a caring, proactive mentor to her staff and the community, providing advice and guidance to help them succeed. Her desire to be part of a community of web developers who could share, mentor and learn together led her to create the thriving, welcoming and inclusive Meetup community known as Fenders. Through this, she provides opportunities, supports, encourages and promotes local developers from diverse backgrounds. Mandy was also a founding member of the Mixin conference, giving Perth unprecedented access to world-renowned speakers. She mentors and inspires others through Fenders, Perth {Web} Girls, Code Like a Girl, speaking at various High School events, as well as sharing her experiences and wisdom on social media. Mandy is a powerful force within the industry and a role model for women to enter the field.

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